IMPAQ is a leading TIC technical service provider in China in industries of consumer goods, food and environment. It has 5 subsidiary companies and can cover over 20 locations at home and abroad such as China (Shenzhen, Shanghai, Suzhou, etc.), Taiwan, Viet Nam, Bangladesh, etc.

As a ZDHC accredited MRSL certifier, IMPAQ provides a one-stop service for chemical formulators to comply with the requirements of ZDHC MRSL all levels.
MRSL Level 1 certification requires analytical testing and review of valid SDS of chemical formulations.
Chemical formulators submit applications and provide product samples with valid SDS to IMPAQ.
IMPAQ completes the testing and SDS review and release the MRSL Level 1 certification within 5 working days.
MRSL Level 2/3
MRSL Level 2/3 requires both the level 1 principles being achieved and an on-site audit being conducted in the chemical manufacturing facility.
The idiographic process for IMIPAQ goes as: Application confirming – Analytical testing and SDS reviewing – Onsite auditing – Corrective actions approving – Certificate issuing.
IMPAQ can complete its work of the whole process in two weeks.
ZDHC InCheck solutions provide an overview of the ZDHC MRSL Conformance Levels of chemical products in a supplier’s chemical inventory.
As an official partner of CLEANCHAIN platform and a ZDHC-approved InCheck verifier, IMPAQ provides you a holistic service of CIL uploading, Performance InCheck generation and onsite InCheck Verification with specialized and professional capability.
IMPAQ is also a Higg FEM certification and GHG (Greenhouse Gas) verification organization.
We can provide you a holistic service for your multiple requirements of ZDHC MRSL Certification, InCheck Verification, Higg FEM Certification and Carbon Verification with workloads reducing and cost saving.